At the end of 2011, after months and months of no Ejami interaction, EJ Dimera and Sami Brady fell into eachothers arms after hearing their son had been killed and had what is now infamously known across the internet as "grief sex". And while it wasn't pretty, it had Ejami fans screaming with glee. The Grief Sex incident was raw and gritty. It was passionate and violent. It was all Ejami fans had been missing for months. EJ and Sami were finally saying all they needed to say. They threw it all out there. The shooting of EJ, the kidnapping of Sydney, the criminal activity, the lies, the betrayal. All of it right out on the table. Yet, at the same time, there was compassion and comfort and quite honestly it was one of the best scenes I have ever watched on Days of Our Lives. It reminded fans why they love this couple. EJ and Sami bring chemistry like no one else can. It can't be denied. Not for long.
For months afterward grief sex things were quiet on the EJami front. Then Rafe found out about Ej and Sami. It was the start of five happy months of Ejami. There was a slow build from hatred and mistrust to forgiveness and trust then to friendship and romance. I squealed like a teenage school girl with every grin and every near kiss. Romance was back in the afternoon and I was loving it. And then BAM! It was over. Just like that. Ejami was gone.
The rehired writers didn't like what the new writers had done in their absence and set about erasing all that the new writers had done in the past year. Hello again, Rafe. Only, the writers don't seem to understand they can't erase the past year. They can't erase the year that I watched Rafe cheat on Sami with her sister Carrie and then follow Carrie around like a little puppy hoping she'll pick him over Austin. They can't erase the year I watched Rafe not give a flying shit about Sami and who she loved or who she was involved with. They can't erase my memory. They can't take it back. We haven't forgotten. And we won't forgive. Rafe is a Carrie lover just like all the others and Sami Fans will not accept him as Sami's mate, not ever again. But the writers don't seem to give a shit about that.