On yesterday's show, Sami was mugged and hurt her wrist in the process. And in a very fake fashion, Sami fell on top of Rafe. Rafe disgustedly asked Sami, "Could you get off me?" After bringing Sami to the hospital Rafe and Sami had a little spat. It was a stupid little back-n-forth on who was right about her wrist and got more serious when Sami questioned Rafe about being Nicole's baby's father. If Rafe is the dad, Sami wondered, why isn't he going with Nicole to her doctor appointment? There was lots of "What's it to you?" and "I don't want to talk about this with YOU," from Rafe and equally snotty responses from Sami. As I watched I honestly felt like these people hated each other. Rafe came off as annoyed and hassled. Sami came off as contemptuous and slightly disgusted.
But then Nicole came in. She said to Rafe "Question is, will you betray yourself for the woman you love?" When Rafe denied he's in love with Sami, Nicole said "Well, seeing you two a little earlier, you could have fooled me." Nicole later said "Okay. Think what you want. But the eyes don't lie. You two look like you haven't even been apart." And all I was thinking was "What the hell did I miss?" What I saw wasn't even close to what Nicole declared to have seen. Nicole apparently saw hidden passion and love in Rafe and Sami's eyes. I saw annoyance and contempt. What I saw with Rafe and Sami was a couple of strangers who didn't ever want to get to know one another.
I agree exactly. Rafe treats her horribly. The scene with Ejami how they flirt and she say maybe yes maybe no is natural and hot. They both looked gorgeous.,then sharing the sandwich, just like they really have been together for years. Hottest couple ever. Hate Rafe, Nicole, Lucas around my Ejami.