Stefano Dimera (Joe Mascolo) has been terrorizing the residents of Salem and particularly the Brady family for over 30 years. His latest stunt almost killed John, Marlena, Bo, and Hope. (I won't mention the other two who were almost killed in the same explosion because quite honestly I'm sad Stefano didn't succeed.) On June 4, Stefano will turn up dead of a gunshot wound and just about everyone in Salem has a reason to have delivered the fatal shot. Let's take a look at the long list of suspects.
1 - Abe Carver. Lexie is dying and according to Abe it's all Stefano's fault. If Stefano hadn't allowed Andre to run around Salem, Lexie would never have been held captive in the poison filled tunnels. The cops discover Abe's gun in the Mansion after the shooting.
2 - Lexie Carver. She's dying and she has to leave behind her autistic child and if she follows Abe's logic it's all Stefano's fault. I'd want to kill him too if I were her.
3 - Kate Roberts - Kate's a slut. Let's be realistic. Not only is she a slut, but she's a devious slut and she's no stranger to planning people's deaths and carrying out those plans. Countess Wilhelmina was a big deal to Kate and she felt as if she had been robbed of it. Kate's tried to murder for less than that. Kate's fingerprints are also found on the gun in the mansion.
4 - EJ Dimera - Of course EJ is evil enough to do it (so says all you EJ haters! I do NOT agree). And EJ does pull a gun on Stefano prior to the deadly shooting, but he cannot pull the trigger and leaves without having shot Stefano. Or did he?
5 - John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Roman. These people have all the same reasons for wanting to kill Stefano so I listed them together. Jarlena and Bope have had their lives wrecked multiple times by Stefano Dimera and you can't really blame them for wanting the guy dead.
6 - Will Horton. Poor Will. The kid has been through some serious emotional stuff lately. Not only did he come out to his parents, but Will also confessed that he deliberately let Rafe overheard him telling Sonny about Ej and Sami's grief sex. Will did this because Stefano threatened him. Now Stefano knows Will confessed to EJ and I'm sure Steffie wasn't happy about it. Interestingly enough it's Will who is eventually arrested for Stefano's death.
Who do you think will be guilty of "killing" Stefano? Are you glad Stefano is finally getting what he deserves? The rumor is Joe Mascolo is leaving the show so it's possible Stefano's "death" will stick.
James Scott, interview with Michael Fairman, June 18, 2010
- James Scott: Alison is just wonderful. I can’t think of a better way to spend your time than kissing Alison Sweeney. It’s just a perfect way to spend an afternoon. And if things do go south, then that will be the one thing I will miss most.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Days of Our Lives Molly Burnett Confirms Exit

**updated to include last airdate for Molly Burnett is September 27, 2012.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Was Sami selfish in the way she handled Will's coming out?
Last week on Days of Our Lives, Will finally revealed to Sami and Lucas that he is gay. Sami had a rough time dealing with this revelation. Sami insisted Will was just confused because he had been going through alot lately. Eventually, Sami bolted from the room.
Do you think Sami handled the situation well?
Days of Our Lives,
daytime tv,
Will Horton,
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Is DOOL's Ian McAllister a Dimera?
![]() |
I'd be laughing too! |
So, we're left with speculation. Who is Ian McAllister? Is he working for Stefano? Does Ian know something that perhaps Stefano doesn't know in regards to the Dimera family tree? Perhaps Ian is Stefano's brother and EJ's father. Wouldn't that be a hoot? If the writers for Days of Our Lives made Ian Mcallister a Dimera and also EJ's father, I suppose I could handle the insufferable EJ-Is-Not-Stefano's-Son storyline.
Days of Our Lives,
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sami Keeping It Real
Did anyone else love it on Thursday's episode of Days of Our Lives when Sami confronted Rafe and told him that the Salem Six were "unbelievably selfish" to pretend they were dead and put their families through hell. This is why I love Sami. She's the only one that had the balls to say what everyone else was thinking. Hell, it's what I was thinking. How cruel were Marlena, John, Hope, Bo, Rafe, and Carrie (the latter for all sorts of reasons we won't get in to now) to have their families believe they were dead? Did they even consider for a second how that would affect the smallest of their loved ones? Can you imagine if someone had told poor Ciara that her Mommy and Daddy were dead? The whole plan to let everyone believe they were dead seemed mean and unnecessary especially if Shane and Roman were going to tell the truth the following day.
I loved how Sami refused to apologize for her outburst and told Lucas she would not "relax"! Way to go, Sami. Thanks for saying what I so desperately wanted to say! Here's another example of how Lucas isn't right for Sami. Lucas always apologizes for Sami and tries to correct her and reign her in. It's annoying. EJ would have been standing right there beside Sami insisting someone apologize to her. Team EJAMI!
I loved how Sami refused to apologize for her outburst and told Lucas she would not "relax"! Way to go, Sami. Thanks for saying what I so desperately wanted to say! Here's another example of how Lucas isn't right for Sami. Lucas always apologizes for Sami and tries to correct her and reign her in. It's annoying. EJ would have been standing right there beside Sami insisting someone apologize to her. Team EJAMI!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Bravo Chandler Massey!
Bravo to Chandler Massey for giving the outstanding performance of the week as a grieving and angry Will Horton. On Tuesday's episode (5/8) of Days of Our Lives Shane Donovan and Roman gathered loved ones to the Brady Pub to inform them that Marlena, John, Hope, Bo, Rafe, and Carrie had died in a safehouse explosion. While I found this lie awful and unnecessary, it caused some high drama which made for an entertaining and moving episode.
Sami burst into tears upon hearing the news and threw herself into her father's arms. While clinging to Roman, Sami asked how he could let them all die. She began to tell Roman the explosion and the deaths were Roman's fault. Ok, so it wasn't Sami's best moment but she was grieving the "loss" of her husband, mother, and sister. That's alot to take in and she was saying the first things that entered her mind without using a filter which is so typical of Sami (and endearing to some of us). Will became furious with his mother's outbursts and he let Sami have it. He accused her of acting as if she was the only one in the room that had lost someone, then declared Sami should be the one who felt guilty since she treated Marlena like crap and cheated on Rafe. Chandler Massey couldn't have done a better job in this scene. He mixed rage with grief in a palpable, realistic way and I felt every tear that fell.
Chandler Massey is a huge talent and I'm thrilled he is a part of Salem. I am looking forward to more moments like this from him.
Sami burst into tears upon hearing the news and threw herself into her father's arms. While clinging to Roman, Sami asked how he could let them all die. She began to tell Roman the explosion and the deaths were Roman's fault. Ok, so it wasn't Sami's best moment but she was grieving the "loss" of her husband, mother, and sister. That's alot to take in and she was saying the first things that entered her mind without using a filter which is so typical of Sami (and endearing to some of us). Will became furious with his mother's outbursts and he let Sami have it. He accused her of acting as if she was the only one in the room that had lost someone, then declared Sami should be the one who felt guilty since she treated Marlena like crap and cheated on Rafe. Chandler Massey couldn't have done a better job in this scene. He mixed rage with grief in a palpable, realistic way and I felt every tear that fell.
Chandler Massey is a huge talent and I'm thrilled he is a part of Salem. I am looking forward to more moments like this from him.
Sami and Lucas Back Together Again? Not So Fast!

Oh, but wait. We didn't see a love scene between Sami and Lucas. We were only privy to the aftermath of the lovemaking. Shirtless Lucas and shirt-stealer Sami came to the kitchen and started the kind of playful banter that comes only after having just had fun in the sack. Then crazy Kate, who enters without knocking or announcing herself, gives them an earful about how disgusted she is (On that, Ms. Roberts, we can agree!)and completely ruins the moment.
But aren't we missing something? Where was the love scene? Where was that anticipated moment when the couple you are rooting for finally gives in to their emotions and falls into bed together? Isn't that part of the fun of watching a Soap Opera? Where was the lead up or the anticipation? Now granted, I am not a fan of Lumi, obviously. But if I were a fan of Lumi, I'd be very concerned. From the writers treatment of Sami and Lucas' lovemaking it can mean only two things. One: Sami and Lucas were simply "hooking up". Friends with benefits, so to speak. or Two: Sami and Lucas' romp in the sack wasn't important to the story development or plot advancement. If bringing Lumi back together was the writer's focus and objective, we'd have seen a lot more leading up to the sex
So what is the main story if not Lumi? Why, EJAMI, of course! The slow rekindling of a friendship between Sami and EJ has been going on for months. (Did anyone else absolutely love how EJ kissed Sami's cheek when leaving her apartment?Watch it again here.) And the chemistry and sexual tension between Sami and EJ is, as always, undeniable. Sami being with Lucas but wanting EJ accomplishes several things. It causes tension between EJ and Sami - and let's face it, both Sami and EJ are famous for wanting what they can't have. But it also creates problems for Sami with Will because he will believe that Sami is hurting his dad again and it'll fuel the hatred-fire Will has going with Sami.
So, Lumi shippers, don't be too excited. Lumi's days are numbered. EJami is gonna happen this time and I will be enjoying every second of it as it unfolds.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
EJami Family Time!
On Friday's episode of Days of Our Lives, EJ went to see Lexie at the hospital and overheard her speaking to Chad. EJ entered the room and sat with them as Lexie told Chad about her illness. Chad was shocked and saddened by the news and decided Lexie was right about his involvement with his family. Chad agreed that he needed to be there for Stefano, EJ, and for Theo. EJ was visibly upset although he tried to disguise the true reason. He told Chad that Chad would find now was the perfect timing to rejoin the Dimera Clan.
EJ left Lexie and Chad and headed over to Sami's apartment. He told Sami he would like to visit with the children. Sami could see EJ was upset and asked him what was wrong. EJ never really told Sami anything and Sami assumed EJ was upset about Lexie. She tried to comfort EJ as best she could and even tried to touch his arm at one point but EJ jerked away. EJ decided he should leave and not let the children see him this way but Sami insisted he stay and be around people who loved him unconditionally. He wryly asked if she was one of those people and Sami said no, but she did so kindly and we all know she was thinking yes! :) EJ decided to stay and spent the evening cuddled up on Sami's couch with Sydney in his arms and Johnny at his side watching a movie. It was one of the sweetest scenes I've seen with EJ and his children. Sami stood by looking on with a smile.
After the movie and the kids went off to bed, EJ decided to leave. Sami told him he didn't need to go and that he could stay and talk. He refused until she offered him some scotch at which point he shut the door and decided to stay. Sami told EJ she was worried about him but wanted him to remember that he's not alone. I thought it was fitting Sami said this to him since it's what EJ said to her when Sami was feeling low at the pub.
I'm looking forward to the "almost kiss" on Monday. Remember to support EJami! Watch live or same day DVR. Let's let the producers know we love Ejami through increased ratings!
Days of Our Lives,
Elvis Dimera,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
EJ's Heartbreaking Rejection from Stefano Dimera
On Wednesdays episode of "Days of Our Lives", EJ discovered Stefano's hidden papers revealing EJ is not Stefano's son. Reeling in shock, EJ confronted his father and the resulting conversation could only be described as heartbreaking. Stefano explained how and when he came across this information and told EJ he did not know who EJ's real father is. EJ struggled to understand why Stefano wouldn't accept him as a son despite the facts. Stefano gave one flimsy excuse after another to explain his abandonment of a son who has been so devoted to him.
EJ gave Stefano plenty of opportunity to say "This doesn't matter," "You're still my son," "We are still family," "I still love you," but No. Stefano didn't say anything like that, which was hugely disappointing. In fact, I was a bit shocked that not only did Stefano refuse to accept EJ but he continuously turned the devastation EJ was facing into what Stefano himself was going through by losing a son. Stefano couldn't have been more selfish and uncaring.
Years ago Stefano Dimera endeared himself to me forever when he broke down into tears after finding out his adopted daughter, Kristen Blake, had died. I loved him for that show of emotion. Where is that Stefano? I think the Days of Our Lives writer's have done a huge disservice to the character of Stefano. The Stefano we have known for years would not have treated his son this way - biological or not.
On a brighter note, we have not seen or heard mention of a DNA test for EJ and Stefano. This gives me hope that all of this is just some sort of charade and that this turn of events doesn't have to be permanent. Perhaps it will come out that Stefano was testing EJ all along. Perhaps Stefano is testing EJ's love and devotion to him and how far he can push EJ's loyalty.
EJ is a Dimera. Period. And I hope this disaster is fixed soon.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Could Ian McAllister be EJ Dimera's Real Father?
We've all seen by now the awful scene in which Stefano Dimera says to himself that EJ Dimera is not his son. This has got to be the most hated manipulation of history on Days of Our Lives to date. EJ is a Dimera. Period. We don't need some pompous writer's thinking they can screw with our show. But to hell with them. They've all been fired and for that we can rejoice. Unfortunately, we're stuck with this awful storyline and everyone is wondering who could be EJ's father.
The speculation has been John Black which I find offensive to my sensibilities considering that would make EJ a Brady and would ruin EJami for me. Besides....John? Really?
And then there's the speculation that EJ's father is Ian McAllister which makes me shudder. For one, the character of Ian doesn't portray strength and power which I would think is an absolute must for EJ's father. Secondly, just who the hell is Ian McAllister and does anyone really care? EJ Dimera is one of the most loved and most hated characters on Days. You don't bring in a nobody like Ian McAllister and give him such a powerful place in EJ's life. This would also disconnect EJ from any of the core families on Days of Our Lives and is a seriously bad move.
There's a rumor, too, that Lucas is Ian's son. Remember..we were subjected to that awful trip down memory lane in which Lucas remembered Ian taking him skiing as a kid. If Ian is both EJ and Lucas' father, then EJ and Lucas are brothers which seems a bit creepy as well considering both EJ and Lucas impregnated Sami at the same time. Ick.
If we know anything about Stefano it's that he loves his family and his children whether they are adopted or biological. If the writer's had stayed true to Stefano's character this bit of information Alice had kept secret wouldn't have meant a bit of difference to Stefano. EJ is Stefano's son making him a Dimera - period - no matter what any of the writers say.
The speculation has been John Black which I find offensive to my sensibilities considering that would make EJ a Brady and would ruin EJami for me. Besides....John? Really?
And then there's the speculation that EJ's father is Ian McAllister which makes me shudder. For one, the character of Ian doesn't portray strength and power which I would think is an absolute must for EJ's father. Secondly, just who the hell is Ian McAllister and does anyone really care? EJ Dimera is one of the most loved and most hated characters on Days. You don't bring in a nobody like Ian McAllister and give him such a powerful place in EJ's life. This would also disconnect EJ from any of the core families on Days of Our Lives and is a seriously bad move.
There's a rumor, too, that Lucas is Ian's son. Remember..we were subjected to that awful trip down memory lane in which Lucas remembered Ian taking him skiing as a kid. If Ian is both EJ and Lucas' father, then EJ and Lucas are brothers which seems a bit creepy as well considering both EJ and Lucas impregnated Sami at the same time. Ick.
If we know anything about Stefano it's that he loves his family and his children whether they are adopted or biological. If the writer's had stayed true to Stefano's character this bit of information Alice had kept secret wouldn't have meant a bit of difference to Stefano. EJ is Stefano's son making him a Dimera - period - no matter what any of the writers say.
Days of Our Lives,
Elvis Dimera,
EJ and Sami nearly Kiss - Week of May 7, 2012
Spoilers for week of May 7 - Sami and EJ are about to kiss but Sydney interrupts them. EJ is happy about the interruption because he doesn't want to get drawn back in to Sami. Sami tells EJ that she is back together with Lucas and EJ laughs.
There is an explosion in the Safe House and everyone inside - Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Carrie and Rafe - is believed to be dead. Sami feels bad and wishes she had made things right with those who died. EJ confronts Stefano about the explosion but Stefano denies any involvement. Victor vows to make Stefano pay but Chad challenges Victor because he doesn't believe Stefano had anything to do with the explosion.
EJ spots Sami and Lucas kissing. He is more bothered by it than he wants to be. Will confronts Stefano about the "deaths". He asks Stefano how he could kill everyone Will loves after all Will has done for Stefano. EJ overhears and wants to know what Will has done for Stefano. EJ forces Stefano to go to the memorial service to look at the damage Stefano has caused.
Roman comes into the pub after the Memorial service and informs everyone that the Safe House "dead" are actually alive. The people in the Safe House decide Stefano must die. Carrie and Rafe decide they need to be together. Carrie is interrupted when she tries to tell Austin she wants to be with Rafe. Rafe informs Nicole that he is going to be with Carrie.
Will sees EJ and Sami in a compromising position but they assure Will that things are not as they seem. Angrily, Will tells Sami that he was the one who shot EJ all those years ago and that EJ had blackmailed Will into working for him originally.
Billie tells EJ that Stefano helped get John released from prison.
There is an explosion in the Safe House and everyone inside - Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Carrie and Rafe - is believed to be dead. Sami feels bad and wishes she had made things right with those who died. EJ confronts Stefano about the explosion but Stefano denies any involvement. Victor vows to make Stefano pay but Chad challenges Victor because he doesn't believe Stefano had anything to do with the explosion.
EJ spots Sami and Lucas kissing. He is more bothered by it than he wants to be. Will confronts Stefano about the "deaths". He asks Stefano how he could kill everyone Will loves after all Will has done for Stefano. EJ overhears and wants to know what Will has done for Stefano. EJ forces Stefano to go to the memorial service to look at the damage Stefano has caused.
Roman comes into the pub after the Memorial service and informs everyone that the Safe House "dead" are actually alive. The people in the Safe House decide Stefano must die. Carrie and Rafe decide they need to be together. Carrie is interrupted when she tries to tell Austin she wants to be with Rafe. Rafe informs Nicole that he is going to be with Carrie.
Will sees EJ and Sami in a compromising position but they assure Will that things are not as they seem. Angrily, Will tells Sami that he was the one who shot EJ all those years ago and that EJ had blackmailed Will into working for him originally.
Billie tells EJ that Stefano helped get John released from prison.
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