Oh, but wait. We didn't see a love scene between Sami and Lucas. We were only privy to the aftermath of the lovemaking. Shirtless Lucas and shirt-stealer Sami came to the kitchen and started the kind of playful banter that comes only after having just had fun in the sack. Then crazy Kate, who enters without knocking or announcing herself, gives them an earful about how disgusted she is (On that, Ms. Roberts, we can agree!)and completely ruins the moment.
But aren't we missing something? Where was the love scene? Where was that anticipated moment when the couple you are rooting for finally gives in to their emotions and falls into bed together? Isn't that part of the fun of watching a Soap Opera? Where was the lead up or the anticipation? Now granted, I am not a fan of Lumi, obviously. But if I were a fan of Lumi, I'd be very concerned. From the writers treatment of Sami and Lucas' lovemaking it can mean only two things. One: Sami and Lucas were simply "hooking up". Friends with benefits, so to speak. or Two: Sami and Lucas' romp in the sack wasn't important to the story development or plot advancement. If bringing Lumi back together was the writer's focus and objective, we'd have seen a lot more leading up to the sex
So what is the main story if not Lumi? Why, EJAMI, of course! The slow rekindling of a friendship between Sami and EJ has been going on for months. (Did anyone else absolutely love how EJ kissed Sami's cheek when leaving her apartment?Watch it again here.) And the chemistry and sexual tension between Sami and EJ is, as always, undeniable. Sami being with Lucas but wanting EJ accomplishes several things. It causes tension between EJ and Sami - and let's face it, both Sami and EJ are famous for wanting what they can't have. But it also creates problems for Sami with Will because he will believe that Sami is hurting his dad again and it'll fuel the hatred-fire Will has going with Sami.
So, Lumi shippers, don't be too excited. Lumi's days are numbered. EJami is gonna happen this time and I will be enjoying every second of it as it unfolds.
I see zero chemistry between Lucas and Sami. I saw good chemistry between Rafe and Sami.(although I see none between Rafe and Carrie, but there is good chemistry between Rafe and Nicole...course Nicole has good chemistry with everyone, she is just that good an actress) But Sami and EJ definitely have great chemistry. I will be very disappointed if they put Sami and Lucas together.