James Scott, interview with Michael Fairman, June 18, 2010

  • James Scott: Alison is just wonderful. I can’t think of a better way to spend your time than kissing Alison Sweeney. It’s just a perfect way to spend an afternoon. And if things do go south, then that will be the one thing I will miss most.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

EJami Family Time!

On Friday's episode of Days of Our Lives, EJ went to see Lexie at the hospital and overheard her speaking to Chad. EJ entered the room and sat with them as Lexie told Chad about her illness.  Chad was shocked and saddened by the news and decided Lexie was right about his involvement with his family.  Chad agreed that he needed to be there for Stefano, EJ, and for Theo. EJ was visibly upset although he tried to disguise the true reason. He told Chad that Chad would find now was the perfect timing to rejoin the Dimera Clan.

EJ left Lexie and Chad and headed over to Sami's apartment. He told Sami he would like to visit with the children. Sami could see EJ was upset and asked him what was wrong. EJ never really told Sami anything and Sami assumed EJ was upset about Lexie. She tried to comfort EJ as best she could and even tried to touch his arm at one point but EJ jerked away. EJ decided he should leave and not let the children see him this way but Sami insisted he stay and be around people who loved him unconditionally.  He wryly asked if she was one of those people and Sami said no, but she did so kindly and we all know she was thinking yes! :)  EJ decided to stay and spent the evening cuddled up on Sami's couch with Sydney in his arms and Johnny at his side watching a movie.  It was one of the sweetest scenes I've seen with EJ and his children.  Sami stood by looking on with a smile.

After the movie and the kids went off to bed, EJ decided to leave. Sami told him he didn't need to go and that he could stay and talk. He refused until she offered him some scotch at which point he shut the door and decided to stay.  Sami told EJ she was worried about him but wanted him to remember that he's not alone.  I thought it was fitting Sami said this to him since it's what EJ said to her when Sami was feeling low at the pub.

I'm looking forward to the "almost kiss" on Monday. Remember to support EJami! Watch live or same day DVR. Let's let the producers know we love Ejami through increased ratings!

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