James Scott, interview with Michael Fairman, June 18, 2010

  • James Scott: Alison is just wonderful. I can’t think of a better way to spend your time than kissing Alison Sweeney. It’s just a perfect way to spend an afternoon. And if things do go south, then that will be the one thing I will miss most.



Sami asks Rafe what his feelings for her are and before he can answer EJ shows up.  Rafe leaves and bumps into Lucas who informs Rafe that EJ is using Nicole's baby being Rafe's to better his position with Sami.  Rafe almost decides to come clean with Sami about the baby but then decides against it. EJ decides to resign as Mayor at Hope's insistence.  Kate stops by Sami's place to harass her as usual and later Sami decides to go out on a date with EJ despite Kate's declaration that Sami ruins men's lives. Rafe comes by to convince Sami not to go out on a date with EJ.  Rafe claims he doesn't have feelings for Sami but after some bickering, which is supposed to come off as fiery and passionate but instead comes off as boring and annoying, Rafe kisses Sami. Then Rafe runs off like a little girl.  EJ shows up to take Sami on their date but she cancels.  EJ suspects it's because of Rafe and is angry. Later EJ hears Rafe whining to Brady about Sami and EJ wants to kick his ass. Unfortunately, he doesn't.

Will finds out Sonny likes him and is excited.  But Adrienne thinks Will isn't a good match for Sonny and tells Sonny so. Sonny tells Adrienne they won't end up together. Then Will shows up to tell Sonny he likes him. 

Abby leaves a dirty voicemail for Cameron which Jennifer overhears.  Jennifer and Abigail have a fight and we discover Abigail is a virgin (gasp!).  Jen leaves the house and runs into Daniel who consoles her.  Nicole sees Jennifer with Daniel and later warns Jen to leave Daniel alone because Jennifer's already ruined Daniel's life once before.  Then Nicole goes off to whine to Rafe.  He tells Nicole to be more honest with people about what she wants.  She tells Rafe to do the same thing.  Jennifer runs into Brady and they both decide to skip grief counseling and hang out together. New love interest for Brady?

Chad asks Melanie to marry him and she runs off to seek advice from Maggie.  She realizes Nick is living with Maggie and pretends to be fine with it.  She laters runs back to accept Chad's proposal. Nick goes to the pub and Caroline offers him a job.  Melanie heads off to find Gabi and Abby to ask them to be her bridesmaids while Chad asks EJ to be his best man. Melanie, Gabi, and Abby show up at the pub and run into Nick. Gabi and Nick share a connection at the pub. Chad pulls Gabi aside and tells her to find a way out of being in the wedding.  Gabi is sick of Chad telling her what to do and reminds Chad that she can easily tell Melanie that Chad has known for a while now what Gabi had done and never said a word.

Spoilers for September 4 thru September 7 2012

EJ confronts Sami about their relationship status but she tells him she needs more time to figure things out then heads off to see her lawyer. Sami's lawyer tells her that it would help her case if her arresting officer had nice things to say about her. Sami runs into Rafe and offers to talk to Gabi for him. At first Rafe is touched then figures Sami only offered in order to get something from him. Sami chases after him and is mugged in the park. A thief tries to steal her purse and in the commotion, Sami falls onto of Rafe and there's a puke worthy moment of forced chemistry between Safe. Rafe takes Sami to the hospital to make sure she's ok. While there, Sami gets a bit jealous of Nicole when Rafe insists he's the father of her baby. Nicole warns Rafe to stay away from Sami.

Ej worries about losing Sami after Lucas warns him that Sami only wants what she can't have and will go after whoever plays hard to get. Ej tells Sami he was wrong to believe Nicole's baby was his in order to put some distance between himself and Nicole's baby so Sami will continue to believe Rafe fathered Nicole's baby even though EJ believes the baby to be his own.
Jen offers to let Nicole stay at her place which irritates Abigail. Daniel thinks Jen is just the sweetest to offer Nicole a place to stay. Jennifer is surprised by the closeness Daniel and Nicole share. Jen begins working at the hospital again. Nicole becomes determined to keep Daniel and Jennifer apart and begins doing some scheming of her own.

Nick is released from prison but is forced to stay in Salem per conditions of his parole. Chad asks Melanie to marry him.